Summer Reading Program 2013 Rules

Summer Reading Program 2013 Rules 
Program runs June 11 to July 31
Winners announced August 2, 2013 
for entering 7th graders and graduating high school seniors 

Participation in the Murder Mystery Summer is optional, though encouraged 

General Rules 
To win an iPad Mini:
  • Whoever reads the most pages for the summer wins the iPad Mini
  • Teens will have to either check in with the teen librarian in order to have the completed book recorded OR
  • Submit a list of books read through a link on the website.
  • Pages will be tallied weekly
  • Graphic Novels/Manga will be adjusted by 1/3
To win one of the general gift cards:
  • Read the most books (Barnes and Noble Gift Card)
  • Read the most Manga/Graphic Novels (Barnes and Noble Gift Card)
  • Attend the most movie programs (9 possible) (Regal Cinema Gift Card)
  • Have the most check-ins with the librarian to have your progress recorded (7 possible) (iTunes Gift Card) 
  • Write the most THREE paragraph reviews for (Amazon Gift Card)
  • Attend the most teen summer reading programs (25 possible) (iTunes Gift Card)
  • Attend the most Digital Media Labs (14 possible) (Best Buy Gift Card)
  • Most Book Covers redesigned (Amazon Gift Card)
  • Most Book Trailers made (Best Buy Gift Card) 

Mystery Summer Rules:
  • Each teen who chooses to participate in the Murder Mystery Summer will be randomly assigned to a team color (Scarlet, Plum, Peacock, White, Mustard or Green)
  • Each team will have color coded websites on which there will be password protected clues
  • All password protected clues will be available on specific pages of specific books 
    • (Example - Team Scarlet: page 123, third paragraph, second sentence, 10th word)
  • The teen librarian will always have access to the books that will house the passwords and be knowledgeable of where all the clues will be hidden for each team. 
  • If a team member is so inclined, they can read any of the books that hold the clues for an additional bonus of 100 pages (book list available at the beginning of summer). It will be up to the individual team member to request/obtain these books.
  • If a team member thinks they have figured out the “who/what/where” of the mystery, they can submit their guess to the teen librarian who will tell them whether they are right, wrong or how many elements are right or wrong but not WHICH elements are wrong.

Murder Mystery specific gift card:
  • First to solve the murder (Visa Gift Card)